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Dusty Baker For President shirt

hristmas dinner was too much, and we went to finger foods or sandwiches. Then she decided that getting everything wrapped and ready by the 25th was too hard, and my brother and his family kept arriving later and later every year because they would spend the afternoon at her mother’s house 120 miles away, so the family Christmas get-together got moved to the Saturday after Christmas, then to the Saturday after New Year’s, then to the second Saturday in January. Christmas Day itself became a non-event. We still keep our tradition of having our dinner and gift exchange on Christmas Eve, and of course, the church service is still that evening as well. Christmas Day is now just a nice day off from work to relax.


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The Northern Protestant German tradition is supposed to come from a Dusty Baker For President shirt in 1536. Of course the tradition is really pre-Christian. Yule trees were dedicated to Odin at solstice and decorated with fruit and candles. But the story goes that Luther was walking through a pine forest near his home in Wittenberg when he suddenly looked up and saw thousands of stars glinting jewel-like among the branches of the trees. This wondrous sight inspired him to set up a candle-lit fir tree in his house that Christmas to remind his children of the starry heavens from whence their Saviour came. It really started spreading in popularity in the late 1700s with the rise of German Romanticism and German Nationalism. upper middle class Protestant families in Prussia wanted to express what the thought of as folk and country traditions. The early descriptions of German trees in the 1600s do not mention stars or angels. They say that people in Strasbourg “set up fir trees in the parlors … and hang thereon roses cut out of many-colored paper, apples, wafers, gold-foil, sweets, etc.


Or just not burn Teldrassil right now because the 1975 Baltimore Claws Shirt for why Darkshore is even a flashpoint make no sense and were just hamfisted because Blizzard cannot write conflict between the two factions. Teldrassil and Lordearon would’ve been a great way to launch the next expansion when you have set up this conflict properly, but not this expansion with this logic. Lets plan this out. Hypothetical 8.0 Azeroth Cold War. 8.0 adds the same regions that were added in BFA but removes the war campaign. The War Campaign its a much bigger focus and takes place over the entire expansion. Each week could add a small new quest hub that opens up world quests in Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms. Azerite is still the focal point of this expansion since its the nuclear analogy. Azerite is no longer being shipped up the coast of Kalimdor to Teldrassil. Azerite is also discovered somewhere in the Eastern Kingdoms in a region that neither faction controls outright. Hinterlands or Arathi Highlands would work as a secondary site for Azerite that is a little closer to the Alliance and gives them an opportunity to stockpile their own, making it a more equal Cold War. Open up the leveling experience with a peace treaty instead of infiltrating Stormwind as Horde and whatever Alliance do. Then have the player meet Sylvanas/Genn (because Anduin hasn’t been given the characterization to do something like this) and be told that explicitly they are not engaging in hostilities with the opposing faction, but are engaging in covert warfare. Then you can be sent out to Kul’tiras and Zandalar to recruit more allies. During the leveling process, it could add in more quests in the enemy factions zone. For example, in the Horde quests you are opposed by enemies to the throne of Zandalar in the other zones. In Vol’dun you could have the Alliance show up to support General Jakra’zet (but not have him be working for G’huun and Zul), likewise the 1975 Baltimore Claws Shirt could have quests supporting Lady Ashvane. You could add the various factions as enemies in the zone to help support the faction cold war. Uldir works just fine as an entry raid since it has little to do with the greater faction conflict. 8.1 would start opening up the rest of Azeroth. No Siege of Zuldazar, instead it would probably be something like Invasion of Ratchet. Treat it like the Bay of Pigs (ignoring the stupidity of that actual crisis and just use it as an analogy). The raid could involve a naval blockade as an encounter since Blizz loves to do non-standard encounters. It could still be an asymmetrical raid with the Horde defending and the Alliance attacking. 8.2 could introduce a side conflict somewhere else. Maybe this is where you introduce an Old God side trip as a way for both factions to cool off, but create more minor conflicts in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms with more world quests. Maybe the raid involves a resurgence of the Black Empire, or maybe there are two small raids both focusing on faction unrest within. Maybe the Horde has to deal with a resurgent Grimtotem that were aided by the Alliance, and maybe the Alliance has to deal with a group of Highborne that never rejoined the Night Elves (or a discontent Dark Iron group, but since they are the allied race it would be a little more difficult to sell that). You could have both factions do both raids, but now that raids are balanced around the factions, you have each raid only being canon to the faction that it concerns. 8.3 could ramp up the hostilities on the borders and build up the weapons and troops at each border zone. Increase the brashness of both factions attempting to claim territory. Maybe Horde or Alliance could lose a zone permanently. No clue on the raid because I can’t think out that far and it depends on how much Old God stuff they want to do. 8.4 Now you can implement the War of Thorns. You could even have Teldrassil or Lordaeron as a raid, or both. You could pull a Siege of Orgrimmar and have an assault on Teldrassil be the start of the raid. The 1975 Baltimore Claws Shirt of raid quests show that both sides are seeing Intel that suggests that Sylvanas is going to assault Teldrassil to end the Alliance threat on the continent (instead of the stupid shipping reasoning), so the Alliance knows that Sylvanas will be weak while she is doing that. So you can end the first half with the burning of Teldrassil in a cutscene, and portal over Lordaeron to defend (and vice versa for Alliance). This would conclude the cold war and erupt into outright fighting instead of SI:7 and Nathanos doing stuff covertly. This could launch into the actual 9.0 full on faction war.

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