But wait a MVPIID Shirt . Mars long time ago had the same conditions as earth(flowing water etc) but why did it become like this? All the atmosphere might have washed away by the solar wind . Even now due to solar wind 100grams(not sure of the number) of atmosphere of mars is washed away per year. So even if we now emit green house gases there they are going to be washed away and become useless. But its not happening to earth, because the solar wind cannot reach till the atmosphere , our magnetic feild stops it (yes we first need to pray for that magnetic feild looking at a compass needle). Mars has no magnetic feild (it has local magnetic feilds due to some astroids with metals collided with planet but doesnt work for our purpose). Since there is no magnetic feild all the plan is waste of time. 🙁 . But wait for earth magnetic feild always changes with time. So may be the same for mars. Wait for some years (not few) and then mars may develop magnetic feild. One more interesting thing mars doesnt have its own magnetic feild but sun has magnetic feild.
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Your question contains some false assumptions. The CCP is not a monolith, and Xi Jinping can not just decree that these problems get fixed with a Official Minnesota Twins Monster Truck MLB Shirt of his hand. Village cadres, regional political leaders as well as rivals on a national level within the party, government and business spheres can and do opposed initiatives laid down by Beijing. Chinese politics is very much a full contact sport as well. When I got here, Bo Xilai was very much the man to watch, and if you ever go to Dalian you can see how he turned what once was a sleepy coastal town into a 2nd tier city (plus they’ve got good looking female horse cops!). Now, he’s serving a life sentence (I’m an agnostic on whether he’s “guilty” or not, I’m not looking to discuss that). It’d be the equivalent of say, Dick and Lynne Cheney disappearing from the political scene on life without parole charges. After the Sanlu scandal, the Health Minister Zheng Xiaoyu paid for his fuckup with his life.
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